#CrailSpot Promo


TYPOS - Mottilaa

Crail 25 anos na Revista Cemporcento Skate
Hey Mottilaa, wassup? You are pretty active in the skateboarding scene. How is skateboarding in your life nowadays? Are you still skating?
Hey, I’m cool! Yeah, I’ve always tried to skate when I can, but nowadays, I don’t have too much free time. Now I’m handling a backache and I am not skating. Backaches are like a hit for skaters now, huh? Damn…

Where do skateboarding and art converge?
In the streets! Did I get it? Am I right? Is there a prize?

And where do these two converge in your art?
Skateboarding has always inspiring my artwork. Until this day it’s my fuel, even though I am not skating as much as I can. Graffitti came after skateboarding and I believe that I can relate this to my interaction with the external environment. To me it’s natural. I have so much fun when I’m painting on the streets, we hear and see a lot of sketchy and bizarre things there. I can’t avoid these things of entering my work!

We see street arts everywhere now. If you turn your TV, you will see it on some commercial and shit. Do you think that urban tipographies are more accepted nowadays or is it still very underrated?

For some people it is still very raw. What is happening is that some agencies and companies that are not related to the streets are trying to be the voice of that movement. This is real atrocity, I feel bad, this is so lame! And skateboarding suffers with that too, since like, forever…

And how do you see this partnership between Crail and you, as na artist? Do you think that is a good thing or a bad one?
For me, I’ve always liked to do products – I am a graphic designer. Me and my wife, we have a studio called Petit Pois Studio and our main work is to do visual identities for products. I am passionate about this, to see someone else using my work on the streets is amazing!

About Crail, I’ve been doing works for you guys since 02, so I feel right at home, I have freedom with the company. I see this as work and I’m not doing wrong for anyone. So I am not ashamed to pay my bills doing the thing I love the most.

And how this Idea of doing something for TYPOS came along?
I did a lot of designs for Crail over the years and with Otavio neto we did his pro model, the Netozilla. It was awesome and until this day we hear about it! When TYPOS appeared, Otavio invited me again to do this and I wa stoked.

And what were you thinking when he ask for it? What was the process of doing the ON?
You asked me to do the ON with my calligraphy. I put some spray splash and did some options. The chosen one is the one that is on the trucks. If you turn the lettering upside down you will read “NO”, that means that you will NOT miss any trick with those trucks! Crail guarantees that!

TEXTS BY Crail Trucks

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